Your career at Laokoon SecurITy

Hack and grow together with us as a team. Show us what you can do and become an expert in your field. Become part of Laokoon SecurITy, the employer that is geared towards you.


Your advantages with Laokoon SecurITy

The Laokoon Security team
Part of the Laokoon Security team

We as an employer

We are a team of experienced hackers whose work starts where Nessus, Greenbone, Metasploit and many other pen test houses stop. We know how to move around unnoticed in corporate networks for a long time and are only really satisfied with an RCE when it comes to application pen tests.

For us, it's not just a job: we are looking for people who find fun and fulfilment in hacking.

You can organise your workplace the way you feel most comfortable and how you are most productive. We provide you with the equipment of your choice and give you the freedom you need. Do you like working from home? No problem!

Open vacancies

We currently have no vacancies. However, if you are interested in becoming part of Laokoon Security in the future, you can send us an unsolicited application at any time. Take a look at the positions below.