A clear picture of the situation. At any time.

CASMART Continuous Attack Surface Monitoring and Red Teaming

Continuous Attack Surface Monitoring and Red Teaming: what it's all about

Continuous Attack Surface Monitoring and Red Teaming (CASMART for short) helps companies with an established IT security infrastructure to gain an overview of the current cybersecurity situation. We do not rely on individual tools, but have a comprehensive portfolio of measures that create a holistic result.

With a monthly red teaming budget, changing focal points, proactive alerts on developments in the company-specific cyber threat situation and specific contacts for your information needs, you can future-proof your company and increase its resilience in the long term.

Continuous stress test

CASMART offers customers continuous red teaming services aimed at creating and maintaining a comprehensive 360° situational awareness of the customer's defence measures and threat situation. Our approach is based on continuous monitoring and adaptation in order to integrate the latest developments into the security concept.

We agree needs-orientated red teaming scopes with our customers and regularly set targeted priorities.

These focal points may include the following positions, among others:

  • Open Source Investigations
  • Physical penetration tests
  • Social engineering attacks
  • Assume Breach Simulations
  • Technical assessments
  • Sensory tests
  • and many more

Results you can handle!

Due to the changing focal points, you do not receive a one-off overview of all problem areas, which in turn take a long time to eliminate or are not prioritised for various reasons. You continuously receive the necessary information, the descriptions of which go into depth and not into breadth, in order to tackle problem areas step by step and make the company secure in the long term.

No more excessive demands - but continuous support!

Clear picture of the situation - overview of the latest developments

CASMART also includes proactive responses to developments in cyberspace. This includes, for example, information on currently exploited vulnerabilities in products used by the customer.

We are in the picture when it comes to current developments. We are hackers and are aware of what is happening in "our bubble". But for IT decision-makers in particular, it is almost impossible to be fully informed about all developments in the threat situation. As a result, a productive interaction between Laokoon Security and IT decision-makers has developed, who are proactively alerted by us to current threat situations.

We are informed when suppliers are compromised, new gaps in IT security products are discovered and vulnerabilities are actively exploited by advanced persistent threats.

The aim of Continuous Red Teaming is to create and maintain a 360° picture of the customer's defence measures and threat situation. By continuously monitoring the situation, the latest developments can also be incorporated into the situation picture and the focus can be regularly set according to developments, creating a comprehensive threat situation picture.