Virtual Private Network (VPN)

TL;DR: A method of establishing a secure connection between a computer or network and the Internet by encrypting data traffic.

A Virtual Private Network (VPN) is a technology that establishes a secure and encrypted connection over a less secure network, such as the Internet. VPNs allow users to keep their data private and protect their online activities from surveillance and hacking. Here are the basic concepts of a VPN:

Basic functions of a VPN:

  1. Encryption: VPNs encrypt all data traffic between the user device and the VPN server, making it very difficult for third parties to intercept or decrypt this data.
  2. IP address masking: A VPN hides the user's actual IP address and replaces it with the IP address of the VPN server, thereby anonymising the user's online activities.
  3. Secure data transmission: A VPN enables users to securely access resources and data that are located in another network, e.g. a company network.

How a corporate VPN increases security:

A corporate VPN offers additional security measures and functions that are specifically tailored to the needs of companies. Here are some ways in which a corporate VPN improves security:

  1. Secure remote access: Employees can access the company network securely, regardless of where they are. This is particularly important for remote workers or employees who are travelling.
  2. Protection of sensitive data: As all data is encrypted, the risk of sensitive company information being intercepted or stolen is reduced.
  3. Network segmentation: A corporate VPN can be used to segment different parts of the corporate network and restrict access to certain areas, improving security.
  4. Adherence to compliance regulations: Many industries have strict regulations regarding data protection and data security. A corporate VVPN helps to comply with these regulations by ensuring the secure transport and protection of data.
  5. Protection against cyber attacks: By encrypting and anonymising data traffic, a corporate VPN can help protect the network from various types of cyber attacks, such as man-in-the-middle attacks, phishing and DDoS attacks.
  6. Centralised management and monitoring: Organisations can centrally manage and monitor their VPN connections to ensure that all connections are secure and comply with company policies.